What is a live wallpaper?
A live wallpaper is an Android background that leverages all of the possibilities and capabilities of a game engine to interact with and display info to your customer every time they use their phone. This means being able to do things like respond to their touch in exciting ways, utilize their device’s hardware (gyroscope, accelerometer, etc.), and display info which they see all the time right on their phone’s background. You can create menus that allow the user to customize it to their taste or update the content yourself as often as you would like. If you can dream it we can build it.

3D Logo Design
A gyroscope controlled 3D design with a interactive lightning effect that tracks the users finger when they touch it. User can set colors and lightning intensity.

Flag Design
An interactive flag that responds to your finger swipes and touches. User can select a single design or it can change every time it is touched.
Why do I want one?
You have the opportunity to earn what is likely the most valuable marketing space in any persons life… Their home screen. And you can get it simply by offering them an interactive experience they haven’t seen before. This is a completely untapped resource that no companies are taking advantage of… Yet. Use it for increasing brand loyalty, brand awareness or for marketing purposes. You can monetize it with ads, use it as a vehicle for your own ads, sell it on Google Play, or give it away. It’s entirely up to you.
How do I get one?
Contact us at info@showandtelltechnology.com and we can schedule a meeting to discuss your ideas and goals. We can build anything so let your imagination run wild.